
  |  Research

Halfway through the Interreg-Project ‘Steer-by-Wire with magnetorheological feedback Aatuator’ in the Bavaria-Austria border region.

Increasing innovation and sustainability outside metropolitan areas

Munich, Germany. Since one year MdynamiX is working together with the University of Applied Sciences Munich and two other SMEs on a project which is of special interest for the economic structures of Bavaria and Austria. The Austrian companies INVENTUS Development GmbH and STIWA Advanced Products GmbH and the two Bavarian partners have dedicated themselves to the topic “Steer-by-Wire with magnetorheological feedback actuators”. The two-year project, which is supported by Interreg Bavaria-Austria, has now reached the halfway point. The main objective of the project is to increase the innovative capacity and sustainability in the program area by using the developed…

Automated Driving - ADAS/AD  |  Research

Consistent evaluation of automated driving functions with Vehicle-in-the-Loop

A joint project of MdynamiX, IPG and the University of Applied Sciences Kempten

Automated driving functions have become an integral part of the automotive industry. Parking maneuvers, in particular, are well-suited for automation due to their low speed and small operating space. The challenge lies in ensuring that such functions are not only safe but also accepted by vehicle occupants. In this context, we demonstrate in cooperation with IPG Automotive and Kempten University of Applied Sciences, how a consistent evaluation of automated driving functions can be implemented with MXeval and a ViL vehicle. Challenges in Testing Parking Functions The increasing automation of parking functions poses complex and costly testing requirements for developers. Realistic…

Vehicle Dynamics + Steering  |  Research

Collaboration with INVENTUS to pioneer advanced MR technologies in automotive engineering

Die Kooperation zwischen MdynamiX und INVENTUS für wegweisende Magnetorheologie (MR)-Technologien in der Automobilindustrie.

We are excited to share that MdynamiX and INVENTUS have taken a significant stride in introducing cutting-edge magnetorheological (MR) actuators and technologies to the automotive engineering. INVENTUS, a trailblazer in the realm of developing MR actuators and technologies, has conceived a distinctive steer-by-wire handwheel force feedback actuator currently undergoing testing with leading automotive manufacturers and suppliers. With their patented technologies and ready-to-market haptic elements, they stand at the forefront of innovation. MdynamiX contributes to the partnership with extensive expertise in vehicle dynamics development and the creation of essential software for MR-actuators, including steer-by-wire feedback actuators and chassis components. Leveraging our…

Akustik + NVH  |  Research

ANCEA research cooperation of MdynamiX and Munich University of Applied Sciences

Together with the University of Applied Sciences Munich, MdynamiX AG is currently working on an exciting research project. Under the name “Active Noise Cancellation with Electric Drives (ANCEA)“, the sails have been set for future innovation with the new research project. The Project’s core aims to harmonize the performance as well as the best possible additional acoustic functions and intrinsic acoustic characteristics of electric drives. This cutting-edge technology will be closely scrutinized and further developed in the coming years. Background to the research question and how Active Noise Cancellation works Besides comfort functions, acoustic perception in vehicles, is very important…

Automated Driving - ADAS/AD  |  Research

Test person study on fully automated parking assistants at IFM successfully completed

In March 2022, numerous test persons had the chance to participate in a test person study on the topic of “Comparison and evaluation of fully automated parking assistants of different car manufacturers” at the IFM (Institute for Driver Assistance and Connected Mobility) in Benningen. For the study, the participants represent normal customers who would also resort to using the parking assistant in everyday life. The participants were provided with four different mid-range and luxury class vehicles with which they were to perform six different parking maneuvers. These maneuvers represented everyday parking situations as far as possible and had to be…

Automated Driving - ADAS/AD  |  Research

ADAS Testing: From Subjective Customer Preferences To Objective Validation At Scale

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) have been around for quite a while: Modern-day vehicles inevitably come with assistance features such as Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), Lane-Keep Assist (LKA), Blind Spot Monitors, Traffic Sign Recognition and other features supposed to make driving safer and more comfortable. In contrast to Autonomous Vehicles, ADAS is a huge and profitable market today, and will likely remain so for the foreseeable future. If you’ve driven a car with such features in the last few years, though, you might have realized that the performance of these systems can vary – sometimes by quite a lot: While…

Vehicle Dynamics + Steering  |  Research

Using the design thinking method to create the ideal head-up display

Test person designs his own head-up display

Kempten. The head-up display (HUD) is definitely a driver assistance system that triggers true enthusiasm among the majority of users. In addition to this euphoria, it contributes to greater safety on the road by projecting important information directly into the driver’s field of vision. This is because the car driver is not distracted by displays in the instrument cluster, the on-board computer or the navigation system display. However, an earlier subject study at Kempten University of Applied Sciences showed that the current HUD concept still has great potential for improvement from the customer’s point of view. Therefore, a study was…

Automatisiertes Fahren - ADAS/AD  |  Research

Verbundprojekt METAVI startet durch – MX als Verbundpartner an Bord

METAVI Key Visual

Benningen. Am neuen Standort des MX Forschungspartners Adrive Living Lab im Gewerbepark „Allgäu Airport“ in Benningen fand das Kickoff-Treffen für das dreijährige METAVI Verbundprojekt statt. Gefördert wird dies von „Bayern Digital“, einer Offensive der des Bayerisches Staatsministeriums für Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung und Energie für den Bereich menschenzentrierter Technologien und Entwicklungsmethoden für das automatisierte Fahren. Die Hochschule Kempten ist mit ihrem Institut für Fahrerassistenz und vernetzte Mobilität (IFM) und dem zugehörigen Adrive Living Lab Konsortialführer des 5 Mio. Euro umfassenden Projekts. Das Partnernetzwerk besteht neben der MdynamiX aus dem Fahrzeughersteller AUDI AG, den Automobilzulieferern Continental und Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG…

Acoustics + NVH  |  Research

Using Electric Drives for Active Sound Generation

Active Sound Generation MXsounddesigner

MdynamiX, the Affiliated Institute of the Munich University of Applied Sciences, is researching noise generation using electric drives in order apply this approach to acoustic function augmentation in the future. The electric motor virtually becomes a loudspeaker and can thus serve as a so-called Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS). Without additional hardware, the applications developed can be used not only to realize the required warning signals for electric vehicles, but also to design brand-specific sounds. The basic functionality of electric drives is not affected or even disturbed. Read the full article in ATZ issue October 2020 or download PDF

Contact:  Prof. Dr. Stefan Sentpali
Automated Driving - ADAS/AD  |  Research

Concept study on customer acceptance of camera-monitor systems

Kamera-Monitor-System Konzeptstudie

Kempten / Illertissen. Digital rear-view mirrors are no longer news, they are on the rise. On the one hand, for aerodynamic reasons and the associated energy savings – especially in the case of electromobility, every kilometer saved counts. On the other hand, the new camera-based systems provide a more comprehensive retrospective view and thus greater safety. But what about customer acceptance? The Adrive Living Lab, the research partner of MdynamiX in the Allgäu region, is also familiar with the topic of digital rear view mirrors. Already in 2018 the team had conducted a study with the title “User Experience in…