
Misc  |  News

Active.Together: MdynamiX at the B2Run in Munich

Last week, the MX running team took part in the B2Run in Munich – and they gave it their all! With the motto “Active.Together.” Our colleagues once again showed us all what we stand for: team spirit and cohesion. Perfect running weather – For once, the weather was on our side, with not a cloud in sight. The sun was shining brightly, providing the perfect conditions for the 5,100-meter course. Our runners were able to focus all their energy on giving their best performance yet. What a way to end the day – After the run, they ended the day…

Ride Comfort & Steering Behaviour  |  News

Testing Steer-By-Wire Systems With Test Benches From Vector and MdynamiX

Munich, Germany – Vector Informatik and MdynamiX are now jointly offering test benches for steer-by-wire or conventional steering systems. Vector contributes its expertise in residual bus and vehicle dynamics simulation as well as real-time hardware. MdynamiX test bench components provide the finest steering feel feedback and capture objective key performance indicators (KPIs). The result is a compact and modular steer-by-wire test system that covers a wide range of requirements in a tabletop size. Customer Project as a Starting Point The joint steering test bench is based on a pilot customer project. The steering test system integrates only standard out-of-the-box components…

Ride Comfort & Steering Behaviour  |  News

Explore-to-Innovate 2024: IFM focuses on knowledge exchange and innovation

Benningen, July 1, 2024 – The Institute for Driver Assistance and Connected Mobility (IFM) hosted the successful “Explore-to-Innovate” forum for the third time on June 19 and 20. In cooperation with MdynamiX, a technology partner, the two-day conference provided a platform for exchanging the latest findings and technologies in the field of mobility. Bringing knowledge exchange and technology to life Explore-to-Innovate is an innovative format that makes research and technology tangible. IFM Director and MdynamiX CEO Prof. Bernhard Schick emphasizes: “Our aim is to create a community in which current developments can be discussed.” The forum combined specialist lectures, technology…

Ride Comfort & Steering Behaviour  |  News

10 years of MdynamiX AG: A journey of innovation and passion

Exactly ten years ago, enthusiastic experts joined forces with the aim of translating research results into innovative development tools more quickly and transferring them to the processes of the automotive industry using novel methods. This team of four professors, Peter Pfeffer, Bernhard Schick, Markus Krug and Stefan Sentpali, founded MdynamiX in 2014 – a company dedicated to innovation in vehicle development. Their goal became a corporate goal: over the years, MdynamiX has grown into an internationally connected company – from an initial four employees, it now has over 40. They work in the fields of vehicle dynamics, steering, automated driving,…

Ride Comfort & Steering Behaviour  |  News

MdynamiX celebrates a decade of innovation and technology transfer

Die vier Gründungsmitglieder der MdynamiX AG, Prof. Dr. Peter E. Pfeffer (CEO), Prof. Dr. Markus Krug (CEO), Prof. Bernhard Schick (CEO) und Prof. Dr. Stefan Sentpali (Aufsichtsratsvorsitz) (v.l.n.r.)

Benningen, 29.04.2024 – MdynamiX, an innovative vehicle development company, is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Founded as a start-up in 2014 by the four professors Peter Pfeffer, Bernhard Schick, Markus Krug and Stefan Sentpali, MdynamiX is dedicated to innovation in vehicle development. Thanks to its proximity to the Munich and Kempten Universities of Applied Sciences, MdynamiX is at the source of the latest research results. MdynamiX was born out of the idea of rapidly transferring research results into innovative development tools and incorporating these into the processes of the vehicle industry using new methods. The core competencies of the globally active…

Ride Comfort & Steering Behaviour  |  News

VI-grade and MdynamiX Sign Reseller Agreement for Hardware-in-the-Loop Solutions

Darmstadt/Munich – MdynamiX is excited to announce a strategic partnership with VI-grade, a global provider of human-centric simulation-driven vehicle development solutions. This alliance, which strengthens our position in the crucial Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) market, will see VI-grade become an official reseller of our innovative HiL solutions. Our cutting-edge HiL rigs, compatible with all VI-grade driving simulators and AutoHawk HiL platforms, will be conveniently located in VI-grade’s SimCenters for firsthand experience and testing by customers worldwide. MdynamiX’s solutions that will be offered by VI-grade include: MXsteerHiL and MXsteerLink – a dynamic, real-time HiL test bench for Electric Power Steering (EPS) and Steer-by-Wire…

NVH & Sound  |  News

MdynamiX and Institute for Human and Mobility agree on cooperation

Munich, 25.03.2024 – MdynamiX, innovative developer in the automotive industry, announces a new strategic partnership with the recently founded Institute for Human and Mobility (German: Insitut für Mensch und Mobilität – IMM) at the Munich University of Applied Sciences. This collaboration will focus on future-oriented research projects. The partnership offers a wide range of opportunities. The collaboration will offer the institute access to a broader industry network. For MdynamiX, IMM’s expertise in the field of transportation design is important. In addition, the bond with the university students is intensified. The students benefit from this as they can gain practical experience.…

Contact:  Eva Wuestum
NVH & Sound  |  Success Story

Joint success with VW Brazil: customer-centred approach to ADAS/AD development established

Herausforderungen für Volkswagen in Südamerika Die Zukunft der Mobilität ist geprägt von immer fortschrittlicheren Fahrerassistenzsystemen (ADAS) und automatisiertem Fahren (AD). Auch in Südamerika gewinnen diese Technologien zunehmend an Bedeutung. Volkswagen steht vor der Herausforderung, seine ADAS/AD-Systeme an die vielfältigen Anforderungen der regionalen Märkte anzupassen. Unterschiede in der Straßeninfrastruktur, im Fahrerverhalten und in den Verkehrsszenarien erfordern eine maßgeschneiderte Herangehensweise. Partnerschaft und Zusammenarbeit für kundenzentrierte Entwicklung In Zusammenarbeit mit dem VW-Entwicklungszentrum Südamerika in Brasilien haben MdynamiX und das IFM – Institut für Fahrassistenz und vernetzte Mobilität der Hochschule Kempten einen wegweisenden Schritt unternommen. Gemeinsam wurde ein kundenzentrierter Entwicklungsprozess etabliert, der es ermöglicht,…

NVH & Sound  |  Research

Halfway through the Interreg-Project ‘Steer-by-Wire with magnetorheological feedback Aatuator’ in the Bavaria-Austria border region.

Increasing innovation and sustainability outside metropolitan areas

Munich, Germany. Since one year MdynamiX is working together with the University of Applied Sciences Munich and two other SMEs on a project which is of special interest for the economic structures of Bavaria and Austria. The Austrian companies INVENTUS Development GmbH and STIWA Advanced Products GmbH and the two Bavarian partners have dedicated themselves to the topic “Steer-by-Wire with magnetorheological feedback actuators”. The two-year project, which is supported by Interreg Bavaria-Austria, has now reached the halfway point. The main objective of the project is to increase the innovative capacity and sustainability in the program area by using the developed…

Ride Comfort & Steering Behaviour  |  News

New Release: MXeval Product Family


We’re excited to announce the new MXeval product family update. With the help of the MXeval App Manager, MXeval and the MXevalApp are now seamlessly connected. The combination of all three tools will open the way for future developments such as a combined evaluation of subjective and objective data and the correlation of both worlds.