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Vehicle Dynamics + Steering  |  News

10 years of MdynamiX AG: A journey of innovation and passion

Exactly ten years ago, enthusiastic experts joined forces with the aim of translating research results into innovative development tools more quickly and transferring them to the processes of the automotive industry using novel methods. This team of four professors, Peter Pfeffer, Bernhard Schick, Markus Krug and Stefan Sentpali, founded MdynamiX in 2014 – a company dedicated to innovation in vehicle development. Their goal became a corporate goal: over the years, MdynamiX has grown into an internationally connected company – from an initial four employees, it now has over 40. They work in the fields of vehicle dynamics, steering, automated driving,…

Vehicle Dynamics + Steering  |  News

MdynamiX celebrates a decade of innovation and technology transfer

Die vier Gründungsmitglieder der MdynamiX AG, Prof. Dr. Peter E. Pfeffer (CEO), Prof. Dr. Markus Krug (CEO), Prof. Bernhard Schick (CEO) und Prof. Dr. Stefan Sentpali (Aufsichtsratsvorsitz) (v.l.n.r.)

Benningen, 29.04.2024 – MdynamiX, an innovative vehicle development company, is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Founded as a start-up in 2014 by the four professors Peter Pfeffer, Bernhard Schick, Markus Krug and Stefan Sentpali, MdynamiX is dedicated to innovation in vehicle development. Thanks to its proximity to the Munich and Kempten Universities of Applied Sciences, MdynamiX is at the source of the latest research results. MdynamiX was born out of the idea of rapidly transferring research results into innovative development tools and incorporating these into the processes of the vehicle industry using new methods. The core competencies of the globally active…

Automated Driving - ADAS/AD  |  News

MdynamiX and Institute for Human and Mobility agree on cooperation

Munich, 25.03.2024 – MdynamiX, innovative developer in the automotive industry, announces a new strategic partnership with the recently founded Institute for Human and Mobility (German: Institut für Mensch und Mobilität – IMM) at the Munich University of Applied Sciences. This collaboration will focus on future-oriented research projects. The partnership offers a wide range of opportunities. The collaboration will offer the institute access to a broader industry network. For MdynamiX, IMM’s expertise in the field of transportation design is important. In addition, the bond with the university students is intensified. The students benefit from this as they can gain practical experience.…

Contact:  Eva Wuestum
Vehicle Dynamics + Steering  |  News

The year 2023 for MdynamiX

The year 2023 was a year full of highlights and significant milestones for MdynamiX. Here are some of the most notable events that shaped the year. We were there This year, we participated in several important events, including the VDI conference Tires, Chassis, Roadway, plus and Explore-to-Innovate, a format of the Institute for Driver Assistance and Connected Mobility. We also hosted our own driving event as part of the Munich chassis conference, chassis.Xperience. These events gave us the opportunity to present our latest innovations and exchange ideas with industry leaders. International presence Our presence on the international stage was…

Vehicle Dynamics + Steering  |  News

MdynamiX opens headquarters in Benningen, Bavaria

MdynamiX eröffnet Hauptsitz in Benningen, Bayern

BENNINGEN, Bavaria – MdynamiX AG, known for innovative solutions for complex research and development tasks in the automotive industry, today officially opened its new headquarters in Benningen with about 20 new jobs. The new headquarters is located in a former Bundeswehr shelter, Shelter 16, which will now become the headquarters of MdynamiX. This step underlines the continuous growth and expansion of MdynamiX. MdynamiX AG, which was founded in 2014 as an affiliated institute of Munich University of Applied Sciences with its first branch in the Bavarian capital, has chosen a special location for its new headquarters. In the Benningen Innovation…

Vehicle Dynamics + Steering  |  News

MdynamiX is now TISAX® certified


We are pleased and proud to announce that we have been awarded the TISAX® certificate since August 2023. TISAX® stands for Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange. With this certification, MdynamiX meets the information security requirements of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA). We are now listed in the ENX portal: A big thank you to the whole team for guiding the company through this complex process and setting up the guidelines.

Vehicle Dynamics + Steering  |  News

Explore-to-Innovate 2023

Explore-to-Innovate Sandro Cortese Yamaha
More than 350 visitors at IFM's second technology forum

Benningen. The Institute for Driver Assistance and Connected Mobility (IFM) invited visitors to “Explore-to-Innovate” in Benningen for the second time last Thursday and Friday. A total of more than 350 guests attended the two-day forum, which combines technical presentations, technology exhibition and live demos in the lab and on test tracks. The forum featured presentations on artificial intelligence (AI) and the mobility of tomorrow. The event is to be held annually at the Innovation Park in Benningen. The Explore-to-Innovate event is the second time the Institute for Driver Assistance and Connected Mobility has created a forum for technology transfer. “With…

Vehicle Dynamics + Steering  |  News

Explore-to-Innovate 2023: MdynamiX is gold partner

Benningen. We will be part of Explore-to-Innovate 2023 with live demos on the test track and in the lab. We are presenting our product range, which has been extended over the past year, at Explore-to-Innovate on June 22+23. Last year, the annual two-day forum was held at the Institute for Driver Assistance and Connected Mobility in Benningen, Germany, with around 350 guests from business, politics and research, and was very well received! Let the pictures speak and watch some impressions of last year’s event: The Explore-to-Innovate motto will once again be “Research and technology up-close and live”.  The event combines…

Vehicle Dynamics + Steering  |  News

MdynamiX on Tour – We’ll see you!

Munich / Benningen. 2022 year was characterized by numerous activities, events and personal meetings. MdynamiX was present at the VDI conference: Tires – Chassis – Roadway – in Aachen, the plus in Munich as well as the Explore-to-Innovate in Benningen. Personal contacts are irreplaceable. We saw this clearly at chassis.Xperience, our driving event, in the great interest and enthusiasm of the participants. Last year we started with the VDI conference. Being there felt unusual at first, because we were able to meet again live and in person. MdynamiX, AB Dynamics and Kempten University of Applied Sciences presented their paper…

Vehicle Dynamics + Steering  |  News

Finanzcast #20: Hydrogen or electric car: Who owns the future?

Prof. Dr. Peter Pfeffer talks to BKB's head of investments Sandro Merino.

Climate protection laws and digitization are forcing the automotive industry to undergo radical transformations. What do sustainable forms of mobility of the future look like and do they mean the end for combustion engines? We have been dreaming of autonomous driving for a long time, but are we really ready to give up so much control? How well are the current assistance systems accepted and what optimization potential do they reveal? Listen to Prof. Dr. Peter Pfeffer, CEO of MdynamiX and Professor of Automotive Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich, with his assessment of the mobility forms…