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New Release MX software | Let me guide you

The MXeval product family’s focus is quite simple – providing easy-to-use and customizable engineering tools to bring vehicle development into the digital age. This release not only improves usability for those who design studies and benchmark campaigns, but also for those who participate in them.

The MXevalApp Copilot now shows you even more precisely how to evaluate, what, and where, just as the experienced system specialist designed it beforehand. Start configuring your GPS-based questionnaires with the MXevalApp Manager today by updating to version 5.3!

MXoptiCal has also taken a big step forward. The IMUs from Oxford Technical Solutions Ltd. are now directly supported, making robust and simple calibration via smartphone possible with OxTS inertial navigation systems.

New Release zu MXevalApp Manager Version 5.3 der Firma MdynamiX

Copilot configuration

New Release zur MXevalApp Copilot Configuration von MdynamiX

The new Copilot configuration capabilities of the MXevalApp Manager allow you to fully manage your Copilot catalog configurations in an interactive and easy-to-use way providing a map based UI with interactive POI configuration. This unlocks the full potential of the Copilot functionality of the MXevalApp and also reduces the configuration effort dramatically.

Intro screen configuration

The MXevalApp allows you to configure different introduction screens that will be displayed at startup and provide detailed information to users. These intro pages can now be fully customized using the MXevalApp Manager with markdown code and a WYSIWYG editor.

New Release zum MXevalApp Manager Intro Screen Configuration von MdynamiX
New Release zu MXeval, Auswerte-und Targeting-Software Version 5.3 der Firma MdynamiX

Library updates

New Release zur MXevalApp Library Updates von MdynamiX

Our evaluation libraries have been revised and standardized for a clearer configuration across all evaluation libraries. Also the stability as well as the performance of each evaluation process has been improved to ensure robust results.

This video demonstrates the objectification of vehicle functions with MXeval in the vehicle. During the test drive, measurement data is collected, and the results are generated live in the vehicle.

YouTube video
New Release zur MXevalApp, Bewertungs-App Version 5.3 der Firma MdynamiX

New user interface design

New Release zur MXevalApp new user interface design von MdynamiX

The new version of the MXevalApp comes with updated design guidelines aligned with the latest modern UI frameworks. This new design is more responsive to handle different device sizes and is much cleaner, allowing users to better focus on their evaluation tasks.

New Release zum MXoptiCal, optisches Messwerkzeug Version 1.1 der Firma MdynamiX

Support for OxTS IMU sytems

New Release zum MXoptiCal Support für OxTS IMU Syteme der Firma MdynamiX

MXoptiCal is now fully compatible with OxTS IMU devices, broadening its compatibility. The new software version not only features the evaluation of Oxford POIs but also allows MXoptiCal to be ordered with the corresponding hardware adapters, ready-to-use.

Connectivity and stability

Since the initial release in Q3 2024 many stability and performance enhancements have been implemented for more robust and accurate results. New connectivity updates have also been introduced, such as sending the analyzed results directly to the IMU.

Further information



We look forward to working with you to develop customized solutions and realize your projects.
Contact us now:

Matthias Niegl
Senior Engineer Vehicle Dynamics / ADAS/AD
+49 173 2396818