Contact our International Sales Partners of MdynamiX

The European market is represented by MdynamiX, based in Benningen and Munich. Worldwide, you will find our representatives in North America and Asia. Our international sales partners in China, India, Korea and the USA are at your disposal with expertise and know-how relating to our software solutions and hardware products.

Contakt MdynamiX DACH market

MdynamiX AG
Junkersstr. 4 | Shelter 16, 87734 Benningen | Germany

Branch Office Munich:
Heßstr. 89 | 80797 Munich | Germany

Mobil: +49 (0)1515 304 89 16

Do you want to develop vehicles that inspire your customers with all their senses? Then contact us now! Convince yourself of our agility, our imaginative products and solutions and our efficient implementation strength!

Tristan Schwandke | Solution Engineer

Contact Europe: Tristan Schwandke | Solution Engineer

“As a Solution Engineer, my goal is to provide customers with the best possible support in finding solutions during the development process. As a long-standing partner of MdynamiX and as a lecturer in the field of chassis technology and vehicle dynamics, I have a lot of experience in ADAS/AD, vehicle dynamics and NVH. Our goal is to make our customers’ development process more efficient and ensure a higher level of product maturity.”

Tristan Schwandke is the main contact for the European market for our test benches, test systems and software solutions.

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    Contakt Italy

    VI-grade s.r.l. | Guido Bairati

    Corso Ferrucci 112
    10141 Torino

    Phone.:+39 0432 689151

    Contact person on site: Guido Bairati

    “Building upon our long-standing collaboration with Mdynamix as a trusted software partner, particularly in using the advanced MdynamiX steering model in our VI-CarRealTime software, we want to expand our portfolio with their well-established Hardware-in-the-Loop offering. Mdynamix is a recognized expert in automotive steering system modeling, and we are excited to bring their technology to our SimCenters worldwide. This integration allows our customers to experience real steering feel on VI-grade simulators and to calibrate and tune EPS controllers long before they go to the physical proving ground.”.

    – Guido Bairati, Managing Director VI-grade.

    Contakt China

    Polelink China

    Shanghai PoleLink Information Technology | Zhiguo Wu

    Beijing Branch
    No. 118 Huilongguan West Street
    ChangPing District
    PR China 102208

    Phone:+86.10.6478.2218 ext 804

    Polelink, based in Beijing, has been a sales partner for the People’s Republic of China since 2021. Zhiguo Wu is primarily the contact person for our MXsteerHiL steering test benches and MXbrakeHiL brake test benches. In the future, our MXeval evaluation and targeting software and the associated MXevalApp will also be added to the range.

    Contakt Indien

    ATS Indien

    Automotive Test Systems | Srinivasan Ramanathan

    Friends CGHS
    IP EXTN Delhi-110092

    Mobil: +91 9818182308
    Web: Automotive Test Systems (

    Srinivasan Ramanathan ATS

    Contact person on site: Srinivasan Ramanathan

    Automotive Test Systems (ATS), a company based in Delhi, has been our sales partner in India for our hardware products since 2022. Our main contact at ATS is Srinivasan Ramanathan.

    Contakt Korea

    E&S Korea Inc. | Hansi Lee

    #1617 SK V1, 830

    Phone: +82 70 7422 7696
    Mobil: +82 10 5214 7696

    E&S Korea Inc. Hansi Lee President

    Contact person on site: Hansi Lee

    Since March 2023, E&S Korea Inc. has been the exclusive sales partner of MdynamiX for the Korea region. The sales focus is on the software products MXeval and MXevalApp as well as on the hardware products, the test benches for steering MXsteeHiL and brakes MXbrakeHiL.

    Contakt USA

    Konrad Technologies USA

    Konrad Technologies | Jeff Buterbaugh, Ph.D.

    27300 Haggerty Rd
    Suite F-10
    Farmington Hills
    MI 48331

    Mobil: +1 (614) 975-8438

    Jeff Buterbaugh, PhD Konrad Technologies USA

    Contact person on site: Jeff Buterbaugh

    We have been working successfully with Konrad Technologies, a company based in Michigan, since 2018. Our main contact there is Jeff Buterbaugh. The focus of our collaboration is on the distribution of our test benches, in particular the MXsteerAct and MXsteerHiL models.