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FEEL TO BE DRIVEN – Practical Seminar No. 3

The successful seminar series FEEL TO BE DRIVEN continues: at the beginning of May 2019, the participants of the third edition were able to acquire expert knowledge about the latest technologies and their potential from ADAS to automated driving. The personal driving experience is not to be missed.

An important part of the seminar is the learning of subjective and objective evaluation methods, which are used to optimize driving functions and driving characteristics.

The strong combination of theory and driving experience also inspires our participants: „It is especially attractive that you can compare driving assistance systems from different OEMs side by side, test and evaluate them in the seminar under supervision“, explains Susanne von Hayn, a participant.

The seminar series offers technology and vehicle enthusiasts fascinated by automated driving and driving assistance systems an opportunity to exchange ideas with experts.

One of the participants, Alessandro Contini, sums up his experiences: „I would particularly recommend the seminar to my colleagues, because a lot of know-how is transferred which can be used easily in everyday work.“

The fourth edition of the practical seminar will take place in September 23 – 24, 2019. Be curious what is waiting for us at FEEL TO BE DRIVEN No. 4!