Automated Driving - ADAS/AD  |  News

The 1st FEEL TO BE DRIVEN practical seminar was a success!

Assisted and automated driving are the future. The automotive industry is working hard on these technologies. As they continue to progress, many questions remain. Will customers accept the technology? Will the new systems actually make customers’ lives easier? What driving characteristics do customers want? What kind of driving experience will these systems provide?

In September 2017 these issues were looked at closely and were made perceivable during the first MXacademy practical seminar FEEL TO BE DRIFEN, presented by MdynamiX.

A balanced mix of theory and actual driving allowed participants from the automotive industry not only to learn about the basics of driver assistance systems, but also to experience the systems “live” by test-driving a great number of vehicles.

Experienced experts from MdynamiX and the University of Applied Sciences Kempten showed participants how to recognize, evaluate, and analyze the quality and efficiency of a driver assistance system’s functions. The emphasis was on learning the subjective evaluation method for functions and driving characteristics.

The success of the event was confirmed by the participants: “A great seminar that offered lots of practical material, a customer-oriented driving experience, and an enriching dialogue with experts.”

FEEL TO BE DRIVEN practical seminars take place twice a year. If you want to share this experience with us, you are welcome to attend – we look forward to seeing you!