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MXeval NEW RELEASE 3.2: Correlations point by point

The latest generation of our evaluation and targeting software for attribute based development has made a further step into usability and efficient validation. Two major new features have been implemented for this purpose.



MXeval KPI CorrelationKPI Correlation
With the newly introduced XY scatter plots KPI correlations can be created to analyze the dependencies of certain KPIs. In combination with custom KPIs and channels, this feature really boosts the evaluation capabilities, especially with larger datasets.





MXeval new GUIGUI Redesign
The overall GUI layout of MXeval has been updated for a more effective evaluation experience, that allows you to focus on the essentials. Various new customization settings enable the integration of MXeval seamlessly into specific workflows.




With this new version of MXeval we have come one step closer to our goal: Support the user’s decisions by quick results and target-orientated analyses to shape better cars.

Release Notes 

Feature Updates 

  • Command line installer for client installation 
  • Manual/Automatic axis limit specification 
  • GUI enhancements 
  • Customizable plot colormaps 
  • Added copy to clipboard feature to visualization and correlation plots 
  • Added snapshot, clipboard and white background feature to external plot windows 
  • Automatic detection of channel configuration type based on a selected configuration file 
  • Added splash screen during runtime startup 
  • HTML report updates/enhancements 
  • Online mode no longer requires observer mode 
  • KPI export now supports .csv format 
  • Automatic export of numeric KPI results to html report 
  • Speed and performance enhancements 
  • Menu bar mnemonic accelerators 
  • Channel configuration auto scan 
  • Added MXeval default data format parser 


Library Updates 

  • Vehicle Dynamics 
  • Frequency Response: Stability enhancements
  • Slalom: New KPIs and offset correction

Complete Release Notes