Practical Seminar Drive + Feel

In the Drive + Feel hands-on seminar, the name says it all. It is characterised in particular by its high practical component. The content is initially delivered theoretically and then reinforced through practical experiences with various vehicle models and a driving simulator.

The seminar provides in-depth knowledge of vehicle behavior and driving comfort – in several practical and driving-oriented sessions. The tools used are based on the V-model and include simulation, driving simulator and real driving tests. These sessions help the engineer to understand and improve the dynamics of vehicles. To round things off, methods of data analysis are presented that allow the data obtained in real and virtual test driving to be analyzed efficiently.

What you will experience at Drive + Feel:

  • learning criteria, maneuvers and methods for the development and evaluation of vehicle characteristics from the customer’s point of view
  • practicing a “property-based development process” through a professional assessment method
  • performing dynamic driving maneuvers at the wheel of current vehicles under the guidance of experienced instructors
  • experiencing the possibilities of a powerful dynamic driving simulator
  • practice in the “virtual test drive”
  • the sensible use of the ViL method
  • the clear presentation of the topics using practical examples
  • the speakers’ wealth of experience
  • the practical examples from everyday development work with a high degree of reference to reality
  • the exchange of experiences and deepening of newly acquired knowledge both with the
    speakers and the other participants

Practical Seminar Drive + Feel

Date: August 27th, 2024 – August 29th, 2024
optionally bookable: Virtual test driving workshop – Testing with the aid of a dynamic driving simulator
August 30th, 2024 (max. 7 participants)
Location: Institute for Driver Assistance and Connected Mobility, University of Applied Science Kempten,
Junkersstraße 1A, 87734 Benningen
Language: German, English on request
Fee: On request


Programm Drive + Feel

Day 1 Expert knowledge
27.08.2024 (8:30-17:30)
  • Chassis basics: axle concepts and their design criteria
  • Aerodynamics and forces in the cassis: influence on vehicle dynamics
  • Tire properties: Transmission of longitudinal and lateral forces
  • Suspension and damping: The influence of wheel load fluctuation
  • Virtual road test concept
Day 2 Expert knowledge and maneuver driving test
28.08.2024 (8:30-17:30)
  • Property-based development: basics and prerequisites
  • HMI: the human in the control loop
  • Subjective assessment of driving dynamics and driving comfort: definition of criteria, presentation of the assessment process
  • Methods for objectifying vehicle characteristics
  • Analysis of the different chassis concepts of the test vehicles used
  • Performance of driving dynamics maneuvers with a focus on driving comfort and driving dynamics
Day 3 Maneuver driving test
29.08.2024 (Ende ca. 15:00)
  • Discussion of the subjective assessment and the objectified measurement data
  • Presentation and demonstration of ViL concept
  • Performance and evaluation of ADAS maneuvers (parking)
  • Final discussion​
Day 4

Virtual test driving workshop 

Design and execution of driving maneuvers with simulation software and in the highly dynamic driving simulator

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Carolin Jaskolka
Strategic Business Development
+49(0)173 1707116

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