chassis.Xperience – driving event

the free driving event accompanying the plus congress

Test the consistency of the development process – from simulation to the road

chassis.Xperience – the free driving event to experience chassis systems and advanced driving assistance systems by yourself on site. Get to know innovative development methodologies by testing driving characteristics both in real-life driving tests and on the dynamic driving simulator – the digital twin.

YouTube Video

Experience seamless integration from concept to street reality

Our goal is to support consistency in the development process with our methods and products and to follow a attribute-based approach.
With the chassis.Xperience, we offer you the opportunity to try out and compare these methods and products yourself at the various stations.
From SiL/MiL to HiL incl. dynamic driving simulator to the real vehicle with attribute-based live evaluation.

Program highlights

  • SiL/MiL: experience steering feel in the early stages
  • HiL: test the simulation of a realistic steering and driving experience on a dynamic driving simulator
  • Road/Testing: compare the latest technologies in the vehicle
  • Experience attribute-based live evaluation using the example of automated parking, including ground truth methods
  • Photogrammetry: learn about our simple, highly accurate and efficient measurement method for test engineers to calibrate vehicles

We cordially invite you to our new company headquarters, Shelter 16 in Benningen (near Allgäu Airport). You can expect an exciting and eventful day, practical methods as well as technologies and interesting discussions – the ideal warm-up for plus.

Registration for the driving event chassis.Xperience

By registering for the plus congress, you are not automatically registered for the chassis.Xperience driving event. Please use the following link to register.


Date: Monday June 02, 2025


MdynamiX AG
Junkersstr. 4 | Shelter16
87734 Benningen
Language: English
Other: No special knowledge or skills are required to participate in the event. The only requirement is that you must have a driver’s license, that is valid in Germany in order to participate in the driving sessions.


Register now!

A day full of practical methods and technologies awaits you:

  • A wide range of current vehicle models
  • Static and dynamic simulators with real steering
  • Hardware-in-the-loop actuators for realistic steering feel
  • Subjective and objective evaluation methods and tools
  • Numerous stations

The complimentary driving event, chassis.Xperience, takes place one day prior to the congress. Both are independent events, occurring in separate locations.

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Data protection: I agree that the data entered in the form will be collected, stored, processed and transmitted internally by MdynamiX AG for processing for the above-mentioned purpose. Furthermore, I agree to be contacted by MdynamiX AG from time to time to inform me about future events and news. I can request the deletion of my data at any time and without giving reasons. Further information and revocation instructions can be found in detail in the T&C. This website is protected by reCAPTCHA and Google's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use apply.

Foto- und Filmhinweis / Photo and film notification

Wir fotografieren und filmen auf dieser Veranstaltung. Die Aufnahmen werden auf der Website, in Printmedien und in den sozialen Netzwerken des Veranstalters MdynamiX AG und dessen Partnern verwendet. Darauf werden auch die anwesenden Personen zu sehen sein – mit Ihrer Anmeldung stimmen Sie dem Nutzen zu. Wenn Sie nicht abgelichtet werden möchten, teilen Sie das bitte unseren Fotograf*innen bzw. Kameraleuten möglichst gleich vor Ort mit. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich gerne an Eva Wüstum ( We take pictures and film at this event. The recordings will be used on the website, in print media and in the social networks of the organizer MdynamiX AG and its partners. The people present will also be visible on it - with your registration you agree to the use of it. If you do not want to be photographed, please let our photographers or camerapersons know as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact Eva Wüstum (

In cooperation with:

Prof. Dr. Peter Pfeffer
CEO MdynamiX AG, Munich University of Applied Sciences
Prof. Bernhard Schick
CEO MdynamiX AG, Kempten University of Applied Sciences

Still have questions? We look forward to helping you. Contact us now:

Kristina Wolf
Marketing and Communications
+49 162 9189 422

FAQs – frequently asked questions about the chassis.Xperience